June 2020
After 30 wonderfully challenging and successful years in the gas detection industry, executive management has made the decision to close the business. Over the years, we were fortunate to develop a number of great products and build the business with an expanding and loyal customer base. We have had the privilege of working with a lot of great partners along the way and collectively sharing in the progress and developments in the gas detection industry. We are grateful for the opportunity to have forged so many relationships and been of service to such a wide variety of industries. We appreciate and thank our loyal customers, dedicated sales teams and suppliers.
Please Note: Mil-Ram has not sold any part of the business. No other party will be authorized or licensed to provide replacement parts or to perform any repair or other services on our behalf. Any industrial equipment distributors, manufacturers representatives or other parties that continue to display Mil-Ram products on their websites are not affiliated with or authorized by Mil-Ram to do so and Mil-Ram assumes no responsibility for the content or individuals claiming product know-how.
Very Important -
Please Read
Gas detection systems require a conscientious and routine program of maintenance and field calibration. In any safety critical application, routine calibration, maintenance and sensor replacement are essential to help ensure integrity of the system and optimum performance. All gas sensors have a Limited Service Life (as well as shelf-life). In light of our business closure, it is Essential that customers have a continuing source for gas detection equipment and ongoing service. We strongly urge all of our customers to Immediately work with other qualified gas detection companies to meet their continuing needs for equipment and service.
Q: Are replacement sensors and other instrument parts still available for sale?
A: No. The business ceased operations in June 2020 and no other party is authorized or licensed to provide replacement parts or to perform any repair or other services on our behalf. Please note: Any industrial equipment distributors, manufacturers representatives or other parties that continue to display Mil-Ram products on their websites are not affiliated with or authorized by Mil-Ram to do so and Mil-Ram assumes no responsibility for the content or individuals claiming product know-how. Also, we strongly discourage acquiring used equipment from any internet source or marketplace. Such equipment is often several years old and gas sensors would be far past the normal expiration date, whether or not they were ever installed. Also, Mil-Ram gas detectors do not have universally interchangeable electronic modules and sensors. All electronics and sensors are factory configured (hardware and firmware) for a specific gas type, detection range and other critical setup parameters. Additionally, many electronic modules and sensors have unique configuration settings and/or specialized firmware/hardware. Do not attempt to mix and match sensors and/or electronic modules.
Q: Are the Mil-Ram gas sensors interchangeable with replacement gas sensors from other manufacturers?
A: No. The gas sensors have a proprietary electrical interface to Mil-Ram electronic instruments. The gas sensors were specifically designed to operate with dedicated Mil-Ram electronics. Do not attempt to install another manufacturer’s sensors on Mil-Ram instruments.
Q: Since replacement sensors and parts are no longer available, how do I replace a Mil-Ram gas detector?
A: The complete gas detector (electronics and sensor) must be replaced with a gas detector that meets your requirements from another qualified gas detection company.
Q: Are the Mil-Ram gas detector electronics and sensors designed to be universally interchangeable?
A: No. Mil-Ram gas detectors do not have universally interchangeable electronic modules and sensors. All electronics and sensors are factory configured (hardware and firmware) for a specific gas type, detection range and other critical setup parameters. Additionally, many electronic modules and sensors have unique configuration settings and/or specialized firmware/hardware. Do not attempt to mix and match sensors and/or electronic modules.
Q: How soon should the Mil-Ram gas detectors be replaced by equipment from another manufacturer?
A: Immediately. In any safety critical application, routine calibration, maintenance and sensor replacement are essential to help ensure integrity of the system and optimum performance. All gas sensors, regardless of technology, have a Limited Service Life (as well as shelf-life). In light of our business closure in June 2020, it is Essential that customers have a continuing source for gas detection equipment and ongoing service. We strongly urge all of our customers, that haven't already done so, to Immediately work with other qualified gas detection companies to meet their continuing needs for equipment and service. In the interest of safety, replacement of gas detectors should be done immediately as a preventive action rather than waiting for sensors to expire or possibly, become damaged by unforseen circumstances. As Mil-Ram replacement gas sensors have not been available since June 2020, any remaining field installed sensors are either rapidly approaching expiration or already expired. Most field installed sensors are expectedly already expired. Again, in the interest of safety, replace any remaining field installed gas detectors immediately with suitable equipment from another qualified manufacturer.
Q: How do I check if the gas detector is still functional?
A: Industrial gas detectors of all types, regardless of sensor technology, require regular and routine calibration using certified gas standards. Please see Calibration Practices for IMPORTANT information. However, in the interest of safety, replacement of gas detectors should be done immediately as a preventive action rather than waiting for sensors to expire or possibly, become damaged by unforseen circumstances. As Mil-Ram replacement gas sensors have not been available since June 2020, any remaining field installed sensors are either rapidly approaching expiration or already expired. Most field installed sensors are expectedly already expired. Again, in the interest of safety, replace any remaining field installed gas detectors immediately with suitable equipment from another qualified manufacturer.
Q: The gas detector LCD indicates "RepSen". What does this mean?
A: REPLACE SENSOR. This message indicates that the sensor has failed the most recently performed gas calibration and requires Immediate replacement. Since Mil-Ram replacement sensors are no longer available, this means that the entire gas detector (sensor and electronics) must be replaced with a suitable gas detector that meets your requirements from another qualified gas detection company.
Q: What function does the Self-Calibration feature provide on some Model TA-2100 and Model TA-2102 fixed gas detectors?
A. Although some Model TA-2100 and Model TA-2102 gas detectors incorporate a self-calibration feature, this feature simply utilizes a firmware algorithm and is only intended to supplement and NOT replace a regular and routine calibration program using certified gas standards of known concentration. Do NOT reduce calibration frequency based on this feature. Regular and routine calibration using certified gas standards is essential.
Q: How is Remaining Sensor Life determined on some Model TA-2100 and Model TA-2102 fixed gas detectors?
A. Some Model TA-2100 and Model TA-2102 gas detectors incorporate a Remaining Sensor Life feature. This feature utilizes the most recent field calibration data to provide a calculated estimate of sensor life and does NOT replace a regular and routine calibration program using certified gas standards of known concentration. Any factors that have impacted sensor life since the most recent field calibration will not be reflected in the Remaining Sensor Life calculation. Do NOT reduce calibration frequency based on this feature. Regular and routine calibration using certified gas standards is essential.
Q: Can the Mil-Ram Modbus Control panels be used with Modbus RTU enabled gas detectors from another manufacturer?
A: No. While Modbus RTU is a standardized communications protocol over the serial RS-485 hardware interface, different manufacturers store data at different register locations, including critical meter readings and diagnostics. The Mil-Ram Modbus Control panels were specifically designed for use with Mil-Ram Modbus enabled gas detectors to utilize designated data and diagnostic registers. The Control panel cannot be user programmed or adapted to work with Modbus enabled gas detectors from other manufacturers.
Critical Importance: In the interest of safety, replacement of gas detectors should be done immediately as a preventive action rather than waiting for sensors to expire or possibly, become damaged by unforseen circumstances. As Mil-Ram replacement gas sensors have not been available since June 2020, any remaining field installed sensors are either rapidly approaching expiration or already expired. Most field installed sensors are expectedly already expired. Again, in the interest of safety, replace any remaining field installed gas detectors immediately with suitable equipment from another qualified manufacturer.
Mil-Ram provides gas detection equipment for many applications in numerous industries under a wide variety of operating conditions. Specific knowledge of each application and environment is not possible so we are conservative in our recommendations in the interest of safety. Calibration recommendations are noted in specific Operating Manuals (at least monthly, but more often as required). ALL GAS SENSORS have a LIMITED SERVICE LIFE and require IMMEDIATE REPLACEMENT when calibration fails or the unit is damaged or operation is unstable or improper in any way.
Industrial gas detectors of all types, regardless of sensor technology, require regular and routine calibration using certified gas standards. Actual field calibration with certified gas of known concentration is the most reliable method of validating proper operation and performance of the device. In safety related applications, calibration maintenance is especially critical. Factors influencing stability of gas sensors are largely related to environmental conditions where detectors installed under more hostile operating conditions (temperature, weather, gas exposure, contaminants, etc.) typically require more frequent calibration maintenance and REPLACEMENT. In addition to any applicable company policies, agency regulations, etc. dictating calibration frequency, calibration practices should be further influenced by actual performance history of the equipment under actual operating conditions at specific locations. For example, it is possible in an installation to have one or more detectors that are installed under more hostile conditions where sensors necessarily require more frequent calibration maintenance and REPLACEMENT. Gas sensors typically reflect the conditions of the immediate environment in which they are installed. Calibration frequency is best informed by qualified, on-site plant personnel that have intimate knowledge of the specific operating conditions over time, related characteristics of the target gas, company policies, regulations, application and intended purpose of the equipment (e.g. safety, process, etc.) as well as any previous experience with the equipment. Sufficiently INCREASE CALIBRATION FREQUENCY as required. Although some Model TA-2100 and Model TA-2102 gas detectors incorporate a self-calibration feature, this feature simply utilizes a firmware algorithm and is only intended to supplement and NOT replace a regular and routine calibration program using certified gas standards of known concentration. Do NOT reduce calibration frequency based on this feature. Regular and routine calibration using certified gas standards is essential. Similarly, some Model TA-2100 and TA-2102 gas detectors incorporate a Remaining Sensor Life feature. This feature utilizes the most recent field calibration data to provide a calculated estimate of sensor life and does NOT replace a regular and routine calibration program using certified gas standards of known concentration. Any factors that have impacted sensor life since the most recent field calibration will not be reflected in the Remaining Sensor Life calculation. Do NOT reduce calibration frequency based on this feature. Regular and routine calibration using certified gas standards is essential. It is further recommended that the user consult with qualified safety professionals (e.g. industrial hygienist) to develop and maintain good calibration practices. Safety critical applications require the most attention.
NEVER rely on equipment that is not properly and routinely maintained and calibrated. IMMEDIATELY REPLACE any gas sensor that fails to successfully calibrate or becomes unstable in operation or performance. Also, IMMEDIATELY check and verify operation/performance of any sensor that has been exposed to possible mechanical damage or extremes in operating conditions including, but not limited to, gas exposure, weather and lightning. As well, when safe to do so, IMMEDIATELY check and verify operation/performance of any sensor directly following a gas or fault alarm.
Consider these factors and any other factors deemed critical to the application in establishing effective and responsible calibration and maintenance practices.